Category: Uncategorized

  • Baby Loss…Again

    I haven’t needed this space in some time. One day I just ran out of words that needed to spill out and so instead I just come back here to read your words. I cheer you on and watch as lives continue to unfold, just as mine does. Watch children grow up in pictures, as…

  • Parents Versus Non-Parents

    I’m going to tell you something that I wished someone would have told me one day, long ago.  If you are newly pregnant, newly with child, or a parent at home with 4 kids, listen up. There is a difference between you, a parent, and your childless friends.  I don’t care what anyone says otherwise. …

  • If one is pregnant, then both should be

    Over Labor Day weekend my SIL and brother announced they are pregnant with baby #2! My nephew was born 4 months after Cora was so it will be exciting to be graced with a new baby to sniff and snuggle in this family.  I knew they were having a bunch of sex trying for another baby…

  • Last call for the binky

    There are some things, I think we can all agree as parents, that are hard to let go of.  For me, it was the binky.  Cora has been attached to that thing from day one. I remember the day at the hospital when she first took to it and I told my husband that it…

  • Where the story ends and I begin it

    For years now I have had people tell me I should write a book about our journey with Rebecca.  What we went through when we were younger, how everything progressed over the years, and where we have landed now. If nothing else, to show people how the system can really be, how tough it is,…

  • Removing the Noise

    The husband and I just returned from 7 days in Aruba at an all-inclusive resort.  Some shake their heads at me for all-inclusive but to me it means I don’t pick up a damn thing in my room, I don’t worry about money, I don’t pay for anything, I can fall asleep in the middle…

  • A start to my day

    My work day starts with a 4:30am alarm. Pending the hubs alarm, it could be as early as 3:30am.  I stare at the alarm clock and will myself out of bed, always wondering why the hell the coffee can’t come to me. I return to bed with said coffee and stare at the morning news.  I…

  • Second baby conversations

    I’ve made it pretty clear, here and in my real life, I have really not been up to the idea of a second baby.  I have never said never but I have certainly not been in the camp of wanting to go for a second.  I haven’t had that pull and I have certainly had…