Tag: travel

  • Saying YES This Summer

    Summer has made me a bit MIA here lately and I can’t apologize for it.  There are times I wish I would sit down and write about more of the little things, for Cora’s sake.  For my sake as well, honestly.  That was one piece of advice that I wish I would have taken, getting a journal when Cora was…

  • Removing the Noise

    The husband and I just returned from 7 days in Aruba at an all-inclusive resort.  Some shake their heads at me for all-inclusive but to me it means I don’t pick up a damn thing in my room, I don’t worry about money, I don’t pay for anything, I can fall asleep in the middle…

  • Investing in our Marriage

    Thirty days from today, the Hubs and I will board a plane, alone, and head to Jamaica.  We will leave behind our child for the first time and not just for a few days but for 6 nights and 7 days. My sister will be in charge of the baby and the dog.  Managing themselves to…

  • Baby’s First Christmas

    It looks like the holiday’s are officially over here and the dead of winter is setting in.  Last Sunday, I reluctantly took down the Christmas tree, the lights, the garland, and the nativity scene.  I tucked away all five of baby’s first Christmas ornaments along with baby’s first Christmas stocking.  As I carried it all…

  • Push Presents

    I picked up my Husband for lunch recently.  He jumped in my truck and was ready to have a serious conversation.  He had read an article that not only should the Mamma’s be getting a push present but hell, the Dad’s deserved one too! And then I almost drove off the road in a blind,…

  • 28 Weeks – Long Weekend Away

    Last weekend we took a 3 day weekend with Rebecca and went a few hours south.  This trip was originally planned months ago with 4 other families to a water park.  The three of us planned to go on our own to a baseball game while we were down there as well.  Originally, I thought…

  • The Vacation That Just Wasn’t

    Apparently there is such a thing as a bad vacation.  There is such a thing as regretting the thousands of dollars you spent to travel to another country.  There is such a thing as wishing you would have booked your tickets for another place, perhaps with a beach.  There is such a thing as sitting…

  • Distance, timing and well, I’m on my own

    Last week my husband enjoyed four days and three nights, away from me, in the warmth that is Vegas.  A place that involved above freezing temps, shorts, flip flops and he even managed a bit of a sunburn one day.  I was jealous to say the least but since I’m leaving for England soon, I won’t whine.…