Category: Friends

  • Turning Three

    For at least 5 months now, Cora has been asking for the same toy at Target.  Every week we go to the baby doll aisle, she picks up the box and stares at it lovingly. She goes over everything that comes in the box, pink baby, diaper, bottle, and binky.  Then we say goodbye to…

  • Saying YES This Summer

    Summer has made me a bit MIA here lately and I can’t apologize for it.  There are times I wish I would sit down and write about more of the little things, for Cora’s sake.  For my sake as well, honestly.  That was one piece of advice that I wish I would have taken, getting a journal when Cora was…

  • When your final day has come

    My Dad died two days after Cora turned 2 and two days before our 5 year wedding anniversary, on a Sunday, at the age of 57.  He squeezed himself right in there just so we wouldn’t forget. We packed up the truck with everything but the kitchen sink, prepared to stay at my Mom’s for…

  • Nearing the second birthday

    We are nearing in on Cora’s second birthday and I am making my way down the checklist of things to do for the big day.  Once again, this year, we are not only celebrating her second birthday but we are celebrating everyone who helped get us to this point! As my husband and I worked…

  • Hold your own baby

    A friend of mine recently had herself a wonderful, beautiful, baby girl.  This friend of mine and I go round and round sometimes.  She is the type that I still don’t know why I’m friends with her except to say it has been 12+ years and she is a stage 5 friend clinger. She recently…

  • Easter Weekend

    We don’t normally go into Easter weekend with any grand ideas or plans.  Our childhood family traditions have died away and we tend to just wing it each year.  Even my Catholic self has let go of the pressure of going to mass.  I don’t go any other Sunday, why fake it?  I’m fine with it…

  • Mommy Group of 2

    I haven’t made it a secret that I’m just not in to the whole mommy group thing. Mainly because I can’t find one and my kiddo hates people.  However a friend on FB posted that she was looking to start a mommy group or needed someone to just hang out with because she is a…

  • Just because I have a kid doesn’t mean I like kids

    When I was pregnant I wrote about how people assumed you should love their kid because you are pregnant.  Wrong.  It was such a weird phenomenon. Turns out, it just keeps on getting better….I mean worse. I may be in the minority but just because I have a kid doesn’t mean I like kids.  Or…